Thursday, November 13, 2008

McCain All Over NBC

When I'm checking out the media I've been following (NBC/MSNBC and CommonDreams), I generally watch MSNBC at my home. However, my cable has been out and there's what? like an hour of news on NBC all day and so I've been browsing the NBC site lately. Firstly, I am quite astonished at how much the site is dominated by the TV shows they air, which I suppose is not surprising since it's the sitcoms, not the news that make them the dollahs. It was still amazed, partly because I watch NBC for news not for sitcoms, and partly because to see these two purposes together on the same site (ie: pure entertainment and NEWS) it's almost completely understandable that network news can be so...bad. This, of course, is inexcusable when you're running the journalistic section of the network but it just drove home the point for me that NBC has two goals in mind for their network: to entertain and to inform - and they've apparently learned to do both at the same time.

A second, somewhat surprising thing I noticed is that, when on the News section of the NBC page, 5 out of 7 total stories are about McCain. Only one mention of Obama and it's in a comparison piece between Obama and McCain. McCain is definitely not off of the radar just yet, and it seems that Palin hasn't even thought about disappearing.

This article, which lasts a whole five paragraphs, outlines the difference between Cindy McCain and Sarah Palin's views on abortion. I have two points of contention here:
1. Who cares?
2. If you're going to cover differing viewpoints on something as controversial as abortion, at least explain them a bit better and oh, I don't know, maybe point out the dangers in both views?

Another article I was potentially interested, titled "In a diverse U.S., a mostly white RNC" isn't even on the site anymore. The rest of the articles are all babble about this little girl that wrote to Barack Obama, or the "wackiest" stories of the election.

Oh boy. I think I'm going back to watching Olbermann and Maddow tonight if my cable is repared. Let's keep the fingers crossed, or I may just have to watch that stupid Obama penpal girl.

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