Sunday, September 21, 2008

Palin Party Disappears Biden

It was a Palin party last week on MSNBC. Almost every single time the presidential race was mentioned throughout the three-hour viewing period of Hardball, Olbermann, and Maddow, it was in connection to Sarah Palin. But - may I ask - dondé está Biden?

Biden seems to have been left in the dust by the media the past few weeks. Whether this is positive or negative is debateable. Is all coverage good coverage? It's hard to say.

The Republican VP nominee made her first campaign stop in Florida this weekend, where she reportedly stuck to her usual line. The news, of course, is still centered around her persona (which was largely created by the media itself) and her incredible popularity.

"The visit drew a few contrasts between Palin and Obama running mate Joe Biden. The largest was the crowd. Some people had to wait in line about 90 minutes just to park their cars. Biden's largest crowd during a visit earlier this month was about 2,000," according to an AP story linked off of MSNBC.

Palin's even got him beat on Google. A quick search gives around 21 million possible sites for Palin, while Biden tops out around 3 million. Despite the possibility that "Sarah Palin" may be a more popular name than "Joe Biden," (thus suggesting that every site isn't dedicated to the VP nominee) these hits demonstrate perfectly the explosion of Palin-based media frenzy that has occurred in the past few weeks.

Though this was little surprise to me, I do find it unendingly appalling that the media can talk so much about so little.

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