Monday, September 29, 2008

Sarah Palin on Rape Kits: Rape Victims Pay for Their Own

I just found this video on, my personal favorite blog. I wouldn't recommend listening to the end of it, as it gets a bit offensive in my opinion, but the beginning does a good job at pointing out the ridiculousness of Sarah Palin's policy of asking rape victims to pay for their own rape kits. I love progressive videos directed at 20-somethings and think it is one of the most important "new media" developments to have been popularized. Videos, especially sarcastic/humorous ones, are a great way for the media to reach a sector of the population that is famously disinterested in traditional media outlets, such as the magazine and newspaper. There are a ton of tech-savvy feminists making interesting and truthful videos and feminist groups' interaction and interest in the media is large. After working for a feminist publication this summer (Ms. Magazine) I have been exposed to a whole world of progressive/woman-created media. Speaking of: the Women, Action and the Media conference is accepting proposals for sessions for their March gathering.

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